Standing on the Promises

 I had daydreamed of how this next post would go when I was writing the last one. I had hopes of laying out a beautiful resolution in my own timing that would give explanation and closure for all of our struggles. But my timing is not God's timing, and He's not done with us yet. We continue to feel the refiners fire and have no answers or resolution....yet. But God is sovereign and I am reminded over and over these past couple months that He desires my trust, not my sacrifice. His desire is that we choose Him willingly each day and trust that He will and is working all things together for good. That means glorifying God, not glorifying ourselves.
 So, I instead, sit down to write this post with a broken heart. Our family has had more hurt and conflict. I'm sure many can relate. Although, our hearts are aching and our emotions are worn, we must cling to the promises. This is life. This is real. Each day I rely on my Savior for stamina, for patience, for strength, and at times for my very breath. And He is enough. He is everything. For now, we will take each day as it comes and hope for what we can not see. I begin to truly understand how much this life is about the journey and not the destination. It's a common phrase, but one of the most difficult truths to live out. Accepting that, for today, God wants you exactly where you are, in the condition you are, and He is ready to meet you right here. He wants me utterly dependent on Him so He can show me how He is fully capable of making something beautiful out of the seeming disarray of my life. Holding to that hope today!

 On an upside, we finally sold our home in Silverton, OR. It feels surreal yet such a huge relief to have closed that chapter and we praise God for orchestrating this! We are currently finishing up the last weeks of homeschooling. I am counting the days! This time of the year is the hardest for me to stay motivated. My natural tendancy is not to be a strong finisher and this beautiful weather isn't helping! This year has had it's ups and downs with homeschooling, and although we think it was the right choice for this year, we would like to have Shane taking at least some of his classes in a public or private school next year. We are praying for God's leading in this to point us where He wants Shane. 
 We still don't have clear direction where to go from here. We are striving to stay submissive and willing to where ever God leads. We are so immensely grateful for the people that God has placed in our lives at the very moment we need them. Without these relationships and the prayers that they send up on our behalf, I just don't know where we'd be right now.
My desire is that we will remain faithful as He has always been faithful to us. We want to please Him and our lives to glorify Him. Honestly, we fail miserably at this most of the time. But His grace abounds and His love is never ending. As a good friend recently told us, all we can do is to commit this day, each day, to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. 
These pictures are from our recent hike in Boise near Camel's Back. I am always so encouraged to hear from others going thru similar struggles. Please let me know how we can pray for you! 
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28


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