Small Changes, Big Results

If you're looking for a magic pill, let me stop you right here. I do not believe in quick fixes, meals in powder form, or dieting in general. I am going to be an open book and give you exactly what is working for me to feel and look my best. I will honestly answer any questions, so please drop me a note!

First off, the simplest change I have made is one we've all heard a million times, but I have to mention it because honestly, it's that important! Water! Chances are you aren't getting enough. I wasn't and it showed. If you aren't looking for a bathroom every 1/2 half hour, you're probably not getting enough! I wasn't even drinking much during my workouts and my body was struggling. I have started keeping my water bottle with me ALL the time. I will usually down almost 30 ounces during a morning workout and another 75+ throughout the day. My skin has improved tremendously(hardly ever breaking out). I also have noticed more energy, better digestion, and sleep. This can't be coincidence! 

Another huge change was to wean off my huge coffee addiction. I say addiction literally because it took a full week to rid my body of severe headaches and strange fog that took over. I am not giving up coffee all together because I do believe there are positive effects of drinking it(and I really enjoy it), but I am going to keep it to a few times a week maximum. Don't even get me going on diet sodas and energy drinks! Seriously, you might as well just drink poison, it's probably healthier for you! If you just can't resist a soda now and again, opt for  a regular, not diet! It's actually healthier. Just google "diet soda" if you don't believe me. On mornings I don't have coffee I opt for green tea or an almond milk maca-collagen latte(recipe to come).

The most effective change has been in what I eat. This is not a diet. I don't diet or believe in it. It's a change in my lifestyle that results in permanent healthy effects. I have always watched simple carbohydrates and sugar in my diet, but cutting them out completely was difficult. I have found instead, swapping a poor choice for a good one is much better. For instance we eat almost no white flour anymore. Instead I will use oat, almond, or brown rice flour. Instead of white sugar, we use coconut sugar, pure organic maple syrup or raw honey. We love free range local farm eggs, grass-fed beef(you can probably buy some from a local farmer in bulk and save a ton), and wild caught fish. We opt for raw cow and goat milk or almond milk. I try to always buy local organic produce for at least the "dirty dozen". More on that here

It's getting so much easier to find food that is safe and healthy. My favorite stores to shop are Trader Joe's, and The Boise Co-op(a local store in my city).

I've seen people use meal supplement powders or pre-packaged meals for themselves while feeding their kids frozen pizza or mac and cheese most nights. And trust me, I'm not trying to judge. Life gets busy and convenience tends to win, but I could not feel good about caring and nourishing my own body and not doing the same for my family. I want to teach my kids how to be healthy and care for their own bodies. Most important, I want us to all eat real whole food. You could never convince me that a super processed powder filled with dozens of ingredients that I can't even pronounce is better for my body than actual food. Again, I know that it can be hard to find the time to shop and cook, but I have to believe that if we can not find the time to feed ourselves without turning to pills and powders, than the problem lies within our lifestyle, not our food. I wholeheartedly believe in simplifying to achieve wellness, rather than complicating to attain "quick fixes" that actually harm rather than heal.
There are tons of great healthy recipes out there that take little prep and taste amazing! I am working on getting my favorites down to paper! 

Another positive change has been in my workouts. I have started opting for specific targeted areas and shorter durations, and have actually seen better results than full hour cardio I've done in the past! Work smarter, not harder, my hubs always says! I am usually targeting my butt/legs and I love to do core as that's my problem area. I would love to share more on what has been really giving me results if you're interested! Do let me know!


  1. I would love to hear more about what your workouts consist of! I am a mom of 2 and am still working on fitting in a workout during the day. Cheers to healthy living!

    1. I hear you Alex! I am working on a post with better explanation and pics, but I do a fast paced series including weights that lasts about 40 min, 3-5 times a week. Message me on IG and I'll work on a better summary!


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